The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Mrs. Clinton

July 10, 2015

Thursday  9 July 2015 / Hour 1, Block B: Mary Kissel, in re: Mrs Clinton doesn't appear to have a way to express her dreams, her intentions.  She keeps saying, "Later; I'll get there."  Her campaign so far is grim, mean, divisive and vague. The specifics are bad – no policy. Nothing the but the vast right-wing conspiracy – a golden oldie; a 1990 hit.  Deep pool of scandals. She's had to move far left to stave off a challenge from the far left (Bernie Sanders).    TPP.  Gender. Fiiscal rectitude, investment, infrastructure. The mistakes ("The lies?")  How many digital devices did Mrs Clinton use to communicate with her private server.  Does she not know that an iPad is a separate device from an iPhone?  The whopper: "I never had a subpoena from Trey Goudy." Next day he had to announce it; now it's posted publicly.  She kept bobbin her head; could not move the story from last February about the server. These questions will come up again and again. Chinese hack has exploded to 80 million federal employees.