The John Batchelor Show


Friday 28 March 2014

Photo, above: 2012VP113 is a detached trans-Neptunian object. ("A frozen pink world has been found, orbiting far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Until now, the lone known resident in this part of the solar system was an oddball dwarf planet spotted in 2003 named Sedna after the mythological Inuit...

Thursday 27 March 2014

Photo, above: "Citi Bike opened in New York City in May 2013 and is the largest bike sharing program in the U.S." JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Hour One Thursday  27 March  2014 / Hour 1, Block A: Francis Rose, Federal News Radio. Is this the end of in the news, now that we have this number of...

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Photo, above: The Sunflower Revolution in Taiwan. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-hosts:  Gordon Chang,  Dr. David M. Livingston, The Space Show. Hour One Wednesday  26 March  2014 / Hour 1, Block A:  Gordon Chang,, in re:  Xi Jinping was in Bruxelles with the G-7 – why?  To discuss...

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Graphic, above: The Greater Black Sea Basin, from the Adriatic in the East to the Caspian Sea in the West; from Ukraine in the North to Turkey’s border with Iran in the South.  Moscow understands that all these states already are under pressure from their tribal minorities.  The Catchment Area -...

Monday 24 March 2014

Photo, above: Student protesters occupy the Taiwanese Legislature on Wednesday to protest against the act by the ruling Kuomintang party to ratify a controversial service and trade agreement with China. (Ashley Pon/Getty Images) Hundreds of students have occupied Taiwan’s Legislature to protest...

Sunday 23 March 2014

Photo, above: . . . the last vast unexplored rain forest on earth -- the unsullied Ndoki region of northern Congo -- a place where the animals do not know what to make of us because they have never seen humans before.  The word Ndoki (pron en-doe-key) means "sorcerer" in Lingala, and this is indeed...

Saturday 22 March 2014

Photo, above: Aramco Airplane 1956  JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Hour One Saturday 22 March  2014 / Hour 1, Block A: Dancing with the Devil: The Perils of Engaging Rogue Regimes by Michael Rubin  (1 of 4) Saturday 22 March  2014 / Hour 1, Block B: Dancing with the Devil: The Perils of Engaging Rogue...

Friday 21 March 2014

Photo, above: Palais Coburg, Vienna - where your tax dollars are sending negotiating representatives to discuss Iran's nuclear lunges forward with the charming Ambassador Zarif. See Hour 1, Block A, Claudia Rosett, FDD and WSJ, on  Waltzing with Iran in the Nuclear Ballroom.  JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW...

Thursday 20 March 2014

Photo, above:  Famous kissing sailor photo, Aug. 14, 1945, the day Japan surrendered in WW II. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-hosts: Mary Kissel, Wall Street Journal editorial board and Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents Hour One Thursday  20 March  2014 / Hour 1, Block A:  Devin Nunes (CA-22),...

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Photo, above: See Hour 4, Block D, John Roskam, Institute of Public Affairs, Melbourne, Australia, and Paul Collins, historian and author, The Birth of the West; in re: News conference under aegis of Tony Abbott, Australian Prime minister; spokesman: John Young of the Australian Maritime Authority...
