The John Batchelor Show

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Air Date: 
October 16, 2019

Co-host: Gordon Chang, Daily Beast
Hour One
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 1, Block A: Arthur Waldron, Lauder Professor of International Relations in the Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania, in re:  A US basketball star [inadvertently] clarified the [joy] of freedom.  containment of communist regimes like China and Kennan's Long Telegram.  . . .  The Nivon-Kissinger original opening to China was conducted in secrecy by four people and never clearly explained.  Their engagement policy is completely fallen apart now.
      FDR knew a lot about New York State, but not about the world. He had tremendous confidence in his own charm; he wholly misjudged Stalin, disaster at Yalta.  Geo Kennan’s Oct 1946 telegram laid out the rationale of long-term containment of the Soviet Union; paid off when the USSR disappeared.
      We did not do this with China because academics claimed that the US had created he cold war and was [a bad player]. Result was an uncoordinated, unthought-out policy. Chou En-lai couldn't figure out why Kissinger was used, as his specialty was the Congress of Vienna. From 1969 on. A secret communications link between Taipei and Beijing; after Kissing spoke with Chou, Chou would call Taipei and pass on all the info.. . .  Under Pres Trump, an effort to reverse four decades of [awful] China policy.  Yes. It can be reversed. Although it’s late in the day. 
       China has just taken two hostages; US should declare Chinese ambassador persona non grata. We need a consistent pattern of dealing with China; when they cross the red line, we should hit them hard. That’s all they understand. They’re not subtle dips; they're in your face.
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 1, Block B: Charles Burton, senior Fellow at the Centre for Advancing Canada's Interests Abroad at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, in re:  China issues in the Canadian election:  Pres Obama praised PM Trudeau and endorsed him for a second term. Whom is China rooting for?  Unclear.  A lot of crocodile-feeding going on in Canada.
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 1, Block C: Brandon Weichert of the Weichert Report and a national security policy analyst specializing in emerging technology, Chinese state plan announced in December 2018  to take over the Internet completely -  worldwide everything.    “This is a national emergency. We need to deal with it immediately.  US megafirms would rather play with Beijing in the thought that they’d make money. I have no faith in our corporations, as their interest is maximizing profits.  Think: Truman in 1948. This is an existential threat tot eh US.  We’ve gotta start pushing hard and in a systematic way.” In five to seven years, either they’ll own us or we’ll own them.
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 1, Block D: Michael Yon, Hong Kong reporter
News reporters attacked on the head with a hammer. Local now speak openly of civil war.  Jimmy Lai, publisher of a prodemocracy paper, was under Beijing attack several weeks ago. We hear the Star Spangled Banner and see simulacrum of the Statue of Liberty. Carrie Lam tried to speak at Legco – interrupted by prodemocracy legislators. Not only among youth in black, but the HK elite are now deeply n the insurgency.  This is the front edge of a real war.  . . .  Lebron persuaded Silver to oppose Darryl Morey [Houston Rocket gnarl manager], who tweeted in favor of liberty. (Japanese)  (Main website) 
Hour Two
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 2, Block A:  Mark Clifford, author, historian, and former South China Morning Post editor and a Hong Kong resident since 1992, in re: the latest on Hong Kong. The emonstrators have been ut for ore than 100 days; are jubilant about the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 in USthis requires the US govt to recertify each year that Hong Kong is still independent and [not a tributary vassal of Beijing].  The CCP is enraged and vocal about it. Carrie Lam is reviled in HK, looks exactly like a Beijing stooge. In the last 36 hours, as she gave her annual policy address [rather lie State of the Union; since the 1940s] to the Legislative Council was interrupted by pro-democracy legislators.  Eighty per cent of HK citizens support democracy, even in a simple form. Ninety per cent wan an independent inquiry into police misconduct.  Lam refuses. “Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our time.” – in both English and Chinese. The more intransigent Beijing is, the more it radicalizes the whole HK society.  Have created an independence movement where there was nothing six years ago. Extraordinary state failure. In 19940s, PM of Finland was aked, “What will you fdo about Russia?”  “’ve got our hands full right now_pacific/hong-kong-police-say-they-were-attacked-by-explosive-device/2019/10/14/99083dec-ee69-11e9-bb7e-d2026ee0c199_story.html
Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 2, Block B:  Alan Tonelson, independent economic policy analyst who blogs at RealityChek and tweets at @AlanTonelson, in re: The China "phase one" trade deal
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 2, Block C:  Chris Riegel, The Scala Report,, in re:  Breaking up big tech
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 2, Block D: Salena Zito,  , in re: Erie , Pennsylvania
Hour Three
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 3, Block A:  Richard A Epstein, Chicago Law, NYU Law, Hoover Institution, in re:  Elizabeth Warren’s war on capital
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 3, Block B:  Richard A Epstein, Chicago Law, NYU Law, Hoover Institution, in re:  Elizabeth Warren’s war on capital
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 3, Block C:  Patrick Tucker, DefenceOne, in re: Russia’s plan to disrupt 2020
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 3, Block D:  Bud Weinstein, SMU, in re: Iowa — water and corn – ethanol subsidy.
Hour Four
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 4, Block A: The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf 
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 4, Block B: The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf 
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 4, Block C: The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf 
Wednesday 16 October 2019 / Hour 4, Block D:  The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf